About the journal
The Educational Spectrum A Bi-Annual Interdisciplinary Peer Reviewed Refereed Research Journal ISSN 2395-6577 Editor-in-Chief Designation Dr. Susheela Narang Principal, Kenway College of Education, Abohar Editor Designation Dr. Vipul Kumar Narang Professor, Kenway College of Education, Abohar Peer Review Team : Designation Prof. J.P Pachauri Vice Chancellor Himalayiya University, Dehradun Prof. Anju Suri Dean Development Council, …
LIBRARY FACILITIES The College library is fully automated. It uses E-Granthalaya Software, which is an Open Source Integrated Library Management System. It has a full catalog module enabling library staff to capture complete details of all the library items and to help the library users. The ‘Search the catalog’ option provides a clear and simple …
27 April
Webinar on Inclusive Education at Kenway 27 April A webinar on inclusive education was organized at the Kenway College of Education on 27 April Principal Dr. Sushila Narang told that the keynote speaker of this webinar was Dr. Sneh Bansal, Principal of Chandigarh College of Education, Chandigarh University. In this lecture, she said that children …
2 May
Labour Day celebrated at Kenway College A worker is a builder and a great asset to every nation: Dr. Sushila Narang :- Labour Day was celebrated at Kenway College of Education, Abohar. College Principal Dr Sushila Narang told that Labour Day is celebrated on 1st May to acknowledge the efforts of the support staff. A special …